These are cut gourds in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Attention: Gourds are listed as single gourds only. There is ONLY ONE OF EACH unless the description says otherwise. Please do not add to cart more than once!
These are good for trees. Different sizes for you to choose from. Here is a tree I made.

Gourd Tops Large
Temporarily out of stock
Representative of tops available. Sold in groups of 3

Gourd Tops Medium
Representative of tops available. Sold in groups of 3

Gourd Tops Small
Representative of tops available. Sold in groups of 5
Ornaments I made from some tops.

Ornament Tops Large
Representative of tops available. Sold in groups of 3

Ornament Tops Small
Representative of tops available. Sold in groups of 5
Over the years I have been saving pieces to paint but have decided to offer them for sale because I have so much to paint already. Sometimes I have used them for wall hangings but some work better by putting on a base. Example picture of what I have done.

Gourd Pieces Small
Representative of pieces available. Pieces not all the same shape. Sold in groups of 3

Gourd Pieces Large
Representative of pieces available. Pieces not all the same shape. Sold in groups of 2

Set of 3 Extra Large pieces
Pictured is what you are getting. Only set available for now.
Each are around 5" tall, 8.5" wide

1 Large half gourd base with base
Pictured is what you are getting. It has a base on it since I had thought about using if like a diorama. Very thick.
11.5" tall, 9.5" wide

Painted Cat
Example of one I made

Gourd Cat #1
New product. Cat for you to paint made with a dipper gourd. Feet and nose with quikwood and ears attached.
8" tall and 6" wide, 10 from front to back.
Commissioned painting of cat.
Same cat but if you would like me to paint according to your specifications. Would need pictures of body with tail and face.

Gourd Cat #2
New product. Cat for you to paint made with a dipper gourd. Feet and nose with quikwood and ears attached.
6" tall and 8" wide, 8.75 from front to back.
Commissioned painting of cat.
Same cat but if you would like me to paint according to your specifications. Would need pictures of body with tail and face.

Gourd Cat #3
New product. Cat for you to paint made with a dipper gourd. Feet and nose with quikwood and ears attached.
7.5" tall and 6.25" wide, 8.5 from front to back.
Commissioned painting of cat.
Same cat but if you would like me to paint according to your specifications. Would need pictures of body with tail and face.

Gourd Cat #4
New product. Cat for you to paint made with a dipper gourd. Feet and nose with quikwood and ears attached.
10.5" tall and 6" wide, 8.25 from front to back.
Commissioned painting of cat.
Same cat but if you would like me to paint according to your specifications. Would need pictures of body with tail and face.

Gourd Cat #5
New product. Cat for you to paint made with a dipper gourd. Feet and nose with quikwood and ears attached.
6.5" tall and 7" wide, 8 from front to back.
Commissioned painting of cat.
Same cat but if you would like me to paint according to your specifications. Would need pictures of body with tail and face.

Gourd Basket Painted
Example of one I made

Basket Gourd #12
9.5" tall and 9" wide.

Basket Gourd #16
10.25" tall and 9.25" wide.

Basket Gourd #18
6" tall and 8.75" wide.

Basket Gourd #22
10" tall and 7.75" wide.

Basket Gourd #23
5" tall and 6.75" wide and 10.5" long .

Basket Gourd #24
5.25" tall and 7" wide and 10.25" long .
These gourds are cut for thunder drums.

Thunder Drum #9
8.5" tall and 5.75" wide.

Thunder Drum #10
13" tall and 8.5" wide.
Big and thick. You might want to add a wrist strap to top. My hand is too small to hold comfortably

Thunder Drum #11
12" tall and 8.75" wide.
Big and thick. You might want to add a wrist strap to top. My hand is too small to hold comfortably

Gourd Lamp #6
9.25" tall and 9.75" wide.
Electric cord provided.

Gourd Lamp #7
11.25" tall and 8.25" wide.
Electric cord provided.

Gourd Lamp #8
10" tall and 7.5" wide.
Electric cord provided.

Gourd Lamp #9
9" tall and 7.25" wide.
Electric cord provided.

Gourd Lamp #10
8.5" tall and 7.5" wide.
Electric cord provided.
Martha's Gourds > Gourds for Sale > Misc. Cut Gourds