Birdhouse Gourds
Here are birdhouse gourds. They each have a hole drilled for the ideal bird size (based on the size of the gourd.) Drain holes are also drilled in the bottom. These gourds are ready for you to paint.
You can also let them natural and apply a layer of shoe wax for protection. I've used different colors to get a different look. Just reapply when the birds are done for the year.
Gourds also make great birdfeeders. They can swing in the wind so if you have it hanging in a tree, keep it away from the trunk. You can also put a stone in the bottom to add a little weight
Houses and feeders come with a leather hanger.
I have lots of feeders to choose from. Lots of fun to watch the birds fly in and out.
Birdhouse #61
Large apple gourd.
Birdhouse #82
Large apple gourd.
Birdhouse #83
Large apple gourd.
Birdhouse #84
Large apple gourd.
Birdhouse #94
Birdhouse #95
Birdhouse #96
Birdhouse #97
Birdhouse #98
Birdhouse #100
Birdhouse #101
Birdhouse #102
Birdhouse #103
Birdhouse #104
Birdhouse #105
Also see these bird feeders:
Here is an idea for the suet feeders. Purchase a square of suet and cut in half.
Place in feeder and hang in tree.
You can also make your own suet from a favorite recipe.
Apple gourd.
Good for suet or a bird may make a nest in it. Useful for seed also.
Apple gourd.
Good for suet or a bird may make a nest in it. Useful for seed also.
Fill with seed.
Fill with seed.
Fill with seed.
Fill with seed.
Fill with seed.
Wider size. Interesting cut.
Fill with seed.
Wider size. Interesting cut.
Fill with seed.
Wider size.
Fill with seed.
Medium 3 hole feeder.
Fill with seed.
Martha's Gourds > Gourds for Sale > Birdhouse Gourds