First of all: What is a gourd? The simple answer is that a gourd is a vegetable related to pumpkins and squash and when dried has a shell that is dense and hard.
You are probably wondering why you would want to do anything with a gourd anyway. Another simple answer: Because it is so much fun!
The extensive varieties and different shapes available allow for endless possibilities for the crafter to unleash their creativity.
Gourds can be useful, decorative, or both. They can be compared to a wood product, and the same type of tools, hardware and stains or finishes used for wood can be applied to gourds. Crafters also experiment with about everything under the sun to see what all they can use successfully on gourds, and then they love to share the results with all their fellow gourd crafting friends.
Here are just a few ideas: Cut, carve, burn, paint, dye, or stain them. Join pieces together, add embellishments, weave, coil, wrap and so much more that I can’t list them all. Mix and match to create an endless list of possibilities. In fact, many gourd crafters have such long lists of ideas they feel they can never get them all finished. Before they get very far down the list they have added a multitude of new ideas to it.
But gourds aren't just for crafting. Many artists take a beautifully shaped gourd and use it as their canvas to create amazing works of art. There are some that sell for top dollar.
For ideas and information on how to get into the fun of gourds you can start by going to the website of the American Gourd Society.
I have started using a new product to attach pieces that have made working with gourds easier. It is called Quikwood and you can find out more about it by clicking on the picture